
Cookie Angels

At my work, they have members bring cookies every Sunday and the people who sign up to bring them are called "cookie angels." My manager Vanessa and I signed up together and I made these sugar cookies inspired by Amanda's (@ I am Baker) V-day cookies. I loved the hearts and wanted to give it a try. Again, these are blurry phone pictures because I took them with my phone. Someday I will get around to buying batteries for our digital camera!

These were made with royal icing. I wanted to make them blue and white but I think the blue is lighter than I had hoped, I was just afraid to put too much coloring in because I have heard that too much will make it taste bitter.  

I still have alot to work on, but I think I am content with how they turned out.

1 comment:

  1. beautiful cookies! I am a terrible decorator so I admire anyone who can make cookies look good!


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