Hi I'm Christina (c.boo).
I am a 20-something wife living in Orange County, CA. I have never been much of a cook, but since getting married I have had to jump in and learn to try to make my j.boo happy. In the process I have discovered a love for baking and I try to do it as often as I can. I am a Christian and think God has given me this love for making food in order for me to use it as blessing to other people and I always try to bake for get-togethers and special occasions.
This is mainly a baking blog, but you will also see posts about cooking and food and other random things in my life. Though we don't have a real working oven, everything I bake is done in my sister's monster toaster oven and comes out pretty tasty (with some recipe adjustments). My pictures are taken on either my cell phone or our Polaroid i634. Neither are very good, but someday we hope to upgrade to a real DSLR. = )
Thanks for visiting!
Contact me at chrisgelica@hotmail.com